Stourbridge mother drove car into shop wall while drunk after break-up
A mother of seven took her friend's car following a night on the town and drove it while drunk into the wall of a furniture shop, a court heard.

Louise Wilding went out drinking in Stourbridge in a bid to 'let off steam' after being dumped by her partner of three years.
The 38-year-old was also upset that her grandmother, who suffered from Alzheimer's Disease, had recently been diagnosed with cancer, Dudley magistrates were told.
Mrs Jane Yeomans, prosecuting, said Wilding had been given the keys of the Renault Clio for safe keeping by her friend Sherry Cooper who did not have a handbag with her. Ms Cooper later took a taxi home, intending to pick up the car the next day.
However officers on foot patrol in the town centre at around 3.15am on April 19 were alerted to the sound of a loud bang nearby, said Mrs Yeomans.
They found the Clio embedded in the wall of Pargeter's furniture store in Cork Passage and arrested Wilding at the scene. A breathylser showed her alcohol level, at 68micrograms in 100 millilitres of breath - almost twice the legal limit for driving.
Mrs Amanda Tomkins, defending, said Wilding had been going through a difficult time in mid-April. Her long-time partner had left her with no explanation after three years together and she received no support, emotionally or financially from the father of her children, five of whom lived at home. In addition, her ailing grandmother had been told she had breast cancer, the court heard.
The court heard that Wilding was originally from Wolverhampton where all her family and friends still lived.
Mrs Tomkins said: "She had left to be with her new partner and felt isolated, with no one to turn to.
"She wanted to let off steam, obviously with dire consequences."
She said Wilding, who was of good character and had a clean licence, had little recollection of the evening but had only driven a short distance before the collision.
On arrest she was 'extremely upset and tearful', telling officers she had now 'lost everything,' referring to her job.
Wilding subsequently lost her employment as a care assistant working with vulnerable youngsters.
A probation report said she did not have any alcohol issues and had just wanted to 'blow out' a number of personal problems she had at that time.
Wilding, of John Corbett Drive, Amblecote, Stourbridge, pleaded guilty to drink-driving, aggravated vehicle taking and having no insurance.
She was given a 12-month community order with conditions to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work and stick to a curfew between 8pm - 8am. She was also disqualified from driving for a total of 18 months and ordered to pay £145 costs.