Express & Star

Thug armed with bat and chain threatened to stamp on Stourbridge man's head

A man armed with a dog chain shouted threats outside a house because he thought the occupants had called the police on his friend, a court heard.


Simon Carr's friend had been involved in a dispute with two people at a house in Grange Court, Stourbridge, over drugs and a missing mobile phone, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

The court heard the homeowners called the police, leading to Carr visiting the address in Grange Court later that night on September 4, armed with a dog chain and a wooden bat.

Miss Siobhan Collins, prosecuting, said: "Carr and another man shouted threats from outside the front door of the property.

"He told the male 'I'll stamp on your head' and shouted 'get out if you think you're tough enough'. He was also abusive to the female occupant."

The court heard when police arrived at the scene they found Carr with a dog lead and a 50cm bat which had his name written on it.

"He told police he had the dog chain because his dog had run off," added Miss Collins.

Mr Jasvir Mann, defending, said Carr had been in custody for the past three months after breaching a curfew order on February 4.

He said: "It has been a difficult experience for him. He has tried to to access help for mental health issues whilst in prison."

Carr, aged 23, of Stourbridge Road, Lye, pleaded guilty to affray.

He was sentenced to a two-year community order and placed on a 12-week curfew.