Express & Star

Bus overhaul is now on way

Passengers are being promised major improvements to bus services in Staffordshire in the coming weeks.


Among the routes to benefit will be the 841 Stafford to Uttoxeter service via Great Haywood and Hixon, where the number of buses will be doubled.

Staffordshire County Council said consultations on proposed changes to routes in the area was carried out last year. Although they do not offer services directly, it works closely with bus companies and other partners to provide 'supported services that complement the commercially provided network'.

More than 600 people responded to a consultation relating to Stafford and Stone – with the majority saying they wanted to see current services retained. New contracts have been awarded to a variety of transport companies. Councillor Simon Tagg, cabinet support member for transport and the connected county, said: "These changes are based on how well the services are used.

"We have enhanced routes that local people use the most and, most importantly, not taken away any route where there is clear demand for it.

"By joining up budgets, conducting a thorough tendering process and proactively working with operators, we have been able to reduce the cost of running these services by around 20 per cent, yet still ensure there are improvements to services."

Among the services affected by the changes are the return journey on school days from Stone to Newport via Yarnfield and Eccleshall.

Passengers can buy day/week/month tickets enabling interchange to other services.

Valid rail tickets to and from Barlaston and Wedgwood will be accepted.