Giant Staffordshire wind turbine proposal blown out
Controversial plans to build a giant wind turbine in Staffordshire countryside have been thrown out.

More than 170 residents objected to the controversial plans for the 242-foot wind turbine near Little Haywood.
Stafford MP Jeremy Lefroy, several parish councils, The Ramblers, English Heritage and Cannock Chase Area of Natural Beauty Partnership also objected.
Caddick Renewables Ltd wanted to install the turbine on land south of Far Coley Farm in Coley Lane, Little Haywood.
Rob Edwards, speaking for the applicant, said the turbine would create enough energy to power 380 houses.
He said: "We recognise the concerns of the residents, however it's a proposal supported by national policy."But councillors on Stafford Borough Council's planning committee refused planning permission.
Ward councillor Alan Perkins said: "It will be harmful to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, to wildlife and it will destroy agricultural land."