Partner tells of terror as break-in ended in tragedy
A woman told an inquest today she was 'petrified' when a fight broke out after two men broke into her home – one of whom was stabbed to death by her boyfriend.

David Carpenter, who was the woman's ex-partner, was stabbed during the fight after he and his nephew kicked in the front door at the Halesowen home of Nicola Bennett.
Her new boyfriend, Ian Swinburne, now aged 50, was originally charged with murdering Mr Carpenter.
But he claimed he stabbed him in self defence after Mr Carpenter, 47, from Oldbury, and his nephew Mitchell While stormed into the house and attacked him and Miss Bennett.
The Crown Prosecution Service later dropped the charge, saying there was not enough evidence to provide a realistic chance of conviction.
Miss Bennett told the inquest in Smethwick today: "I was that petrified I thought Ian was going to die – I thought we were both going to be killed. At one stage everyone ended up on the floor. Ian was on his knees and Mitchell had his arms around his neck." She said Mr Carpenter then fell forward and blood came out of his mouth.
Black Country Senior Coroner Robin Balmain today concluded that it was a lawful killing.
Mr Swinburne told the Smethwick inquest he stabbed Mr Carpenter when he felt himself 'blacking out' after being attacked when his partner Nicola Bennett's house was broken into.
Mr Balmain said: "I am perfectly satisfied that Mr Swinburne did not intend to kill Mr Carpenter."
Mr Carpenter, of Yardley Close, Oldbury, had more than twice the legal driving limit of alcohol and amphetamines in his system when he died at the home he used to share with Miss Bennett in Graham Road, Halesowen, on February 3 last year.
The inquest earlier heard from a neighbour, who said she heard screaming from Miss Bennett's home after seeing two men break down the door. Pamela Thomas said she heard shouting outside in the street and saw Mr Carpenter and another man banging on the windows and doors of her neighbours.
"Then Dave went back to the door where the other man was. "There was more shouting and I saw the door being kicked in.
"I ran and grabbed the phone and called the police.
"I could see inside the open door and saw Nicky stood in the doorway.