Smethwick community centre could be leaf out of Birmingham library's book
With a covering of interlocking circles on its exterior it could almost be a mini-version of the new iconic Birmingham Library.

But this intends to be a landmark in its own right – in the shape of a new community centre in a town at the heart of a £42 million regeneration scheme.
Plans are in the pipeline to demolish the existing Bangladeshi Islamic Centre in Smethwick and replace it with the new modern Brindley Village Community Centre in Smethwick.
A planning application outlining the scheme has been submitted to Sandwell Council. This artist's impression shows what the building would look like, while planning documents state that the new centre will be 'easy to access, welcoming and beautiful'.
The centre is based on Lewisham Road and includes religious facilities as well as a cafe and ICT area.
A report to borough planners states that the centre sits on the northern boundary of the new Brindley Village II development.
It adds: "The site has been highlighted on the overall masterplan as a key gateway to this area of regeneration and new housing."
It adds the site is an 'important focal point at the entrance to the development, and that the site is a key opportunity for a major landmark building'.
Work has already started on the Brindley II scheme which will see 193 homes being built.
Contractors have started reclamation works and highways works which are due to be completed by mid 2014, after which developers will move in to build the homes.
In addition to homes there will also be shops built on the land bordered by Lewisham Road and Mafeking Road.
There will also be some road widening near to where the Bangladeshi Community Centre is on Lewisham Road, and a three-way synchronised junction at Middlemore Road and Lewisham Road will be created.
St Paul's ward Councillor Zahoor Ahmed welcomed the new design.
"I think it will be a real landmark for the area.
"At the moment it is quite an old building and I think for the future, and with Brindley II, it is something we needed to revamp the area and will be greatly appreciated and I hope it will be used by all of the community."
Demolition work on the Brindley II site started in 2011, and a number of buildings were cleared to make way for the houses. The 11 acre-site is next to the Brindley Village I development, which was completed more than nine years ago.
It forms part of the wider north Smethwick canalside redevelopment.
The project is being funded by PxP West Midlands and the Homes and Communities Agency, which has already invested £6.5m.