Express & Star

HMP Oakwood guard injured after prisoner's 'dirty protest'

A guard at HMP Oakwood was injured by an inmate shortly after the prisoner staged a 'dirty protest', a court heard.


Burglar Patrick Reilly, aged 33, was being kept in a secure cell at the Featherstone prison, when his refusal to move from the floor of a medical room escalated and he clashed heads with guard Brian Hughes, Cannock Magistrates' Court heard.

Prosecuting, Mr Andrew Bodger said the defendant was restrained by three guards after he defecated in a shoebox in his cell.

Mr Bodger told the court that Reilly was taken to be seen by a nurse and after receiving his medication he then sat on the floor and refused to move on August 1 this year.

"He was in a secure unit after threatening to self-harm the day before," said Mr Bodger.

"He was subject to supervision and shortly after carried out a dirty protest.Three officers wearing protective clothing moved him from his cell and he was seen by an NHS nurse.

"He was told to return to his cell but he sat down and refused to move.

"This is when guards Brian Hughes and Kevin Talbot each grabbed an arm and as they pulled the defendant up he caught Brian Hughes on the cheekbone with his head."

The officer went to New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton with bruising and swelling.

Magistrates were told Mr Hughes was signed off work for two weeks.

Reilly, who is now finishing his jail term at Winson Green in Birmingham, is due for release on Monday. He admitted assaulting the prison guard by reckless behaviour.

Defending, Mr Steve Rudge said: "It wasn't a dirty protest per se. He needed to go to the toilet and there wasn't one in the cell but there was a shoebox.

Magistrates gave Reilly a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered him to pay a £15 victim surcharge.

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