£3m historic Hednesford Park revamp to go ahead
The £3 million overhaul of historic Hednesford Park has been given the green light after Sport England withdrew a challenge to the scheme at the 11th hour.

The regulatory body had objected to the loss of a full-size football pitch and a bowling green at Hednesford Park. But after urgent talks with Cannock Chase Council chiefs, Sport England bosses decided not to pursue their opposition.
The council's planning committee approved the scheme last night.
Hednesford Park, in Victoria Street, is being transformed over three years, subject to public consultation. Some of the work has already been completed.
Under the plans, the pavilion will be modernised, a community room created and a cafe built.
The games area is being replaced with a new one, including a skate park, teen shelter and kick-about area. An additional car park will be provided.
The children's play area will also be relocated to the centre of the park with the equipment updated.
One of the three adult pitches will go, to be replaced by a junior or two mini-soccer pitches. One of the two bowling greens will also be lost.
Sport England asked the council to justify the loss of the green but following crunch talks, chiefs accepted that neither had been used since 2009.
Members approved the scheme subject to conditions and further talks.
Councillor Mike Grocott told the meeting: "Over the years we have seen Rugeley Leisure Centre developed and we have just seen Cannock Leisure Centre reopened to great acclaim.
"Hednesford seemed to have missed out but now it is getting something."
Councillor Maureen Freeman added: "This application was funded by the National Lottery and was the highest amount to be given towards such facilities. It is a massive."