The colour of autumn - send us your photos
[gallery] Express & Star photographers and readers have captured autumn in all its glory.

A carpet of orange at Walsall's Arboretum, striking reds at Priory Park in Dudley, Cannock?Chase shrouded in mist and a sun melting into the distant horizon, these are some of the snaps taken around the West Midlands and Staffordshire as autumn arrived this week.
The torrential rain that hit the region last weekend was seemingly a baptism for the new season and the end of the warm weather we rarely get a taste of.
Express & Star photographers have been around the region snapping the aesthetics of autumn as these images can testify.
We want to see your autumn pictures in our Star Witness readers gallery online. Visit to share your snaps of the season.
A picture of a lonely squirrel surrounded by the debris of trees at West Park in Wolverhampton is one of those captured this week.
And in Cannock, a walker was spotted looking prepared for the cold as she walked a dog on East Cannock Road.

Atmospheric Cannock Chase always make for some beautiful images at the turn of the season. A solitary tree stands amidst a misty backdrop and an atmospheric shot of fog falling over leafless trees deep inside the woodland makes for an imposing image.
And at the Walsall Arboretum, gold and red leaves carpet the ground.
Express & Star readers have also been sending us their snaps. Stuart Cross captured a picture of the sun setting behind a row trees at Headland Road, Castlecroft.
And Jayne Smith's photograph could be mistaken for California, but it is in fact the sun setting over Sedgley.
Express & Star photographer Alan Evans said the season brings a number of new picture opportunities into focus. "You can walk past a scene one day and the leaves on the trees are all lush and green, then a couple of days later everything changes to different shades of brown," he said.
"As a photographer this gives me an opportunity for a new shot.
"Another nice feature of the season is when leaves fall to the ground they reveal a landscape that has been hidden away for several months."
We want to see your autumn pictures in our Star Witness readers gallery online. Visit to share your snaps of the season.