Express & Star

Former Mayor of Dudley is given a formal warning for visiting porn websites

A former Mayor of Dudley visited a 'considerable number' of adult pornography websites on his council computer, a disciplinary panel heard, as it emerged he had previously been spoken to about his conduct.


Councillor Ray Burston also revealed to a standards committee he had once been part of a pressure group against pornography led by campaigner Mary Whitehouse.

And he told councillors he had been verbally reprimanded for viewing pornography by former Conservative group and Dudley Council leader David Caunt around 10 years ago.

Councillor Burston told Dudley Council's standards sub-committee last night there had been other 'past comments' within the Conservative group about the issue.

He resigned as Tory spokesman for the environment and issued an apology at a council meeting in July but vowed to continue as councillor for Hayley Green and Cradley South.

It came after images downloaded from adult sites were found during maintenance of his computer by IT staff after his internet and email system crashed. Councillor Burston was brought before the committee last night after admitting breaching the members' code of conduct and guidelines for internet use.

Committee chairman Councillor Jackie Cowell said his behaviour was 'highly inappropriate' and issued him with a formal warning.

Council presenting officer Mohammed Farooq said: "Councillor Burston searched a considerable number of adult pornography sites in June and July 2013." Mr Farooq added more searches were found dating back to January. In total, 50 web addresses were analysed by an independent body. The body found there were no images that would breach criminal law.

Councillor Burston, who has sat on the council for 21 years during two stints, said: "David Caunt did speak to me many years ago. It was just a quiet word and left at that." He also reiterated his apology and spoke of the shame brought on his family.

"The whole issue for me is replete with irony as before the Conservative party I started my political career fighting against pornography as a member of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association in the 1970s," he said. "I guess I'm fortunate to have a wife, who after the initial dismay, has been very forgiving and understanding."

He will donate his council members allowances to the Mayor of Dudley's charities.

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