Express & Star

Leaked data revelations leaves Black Country councils red-faced

Personal information including medical details, a bank statement and the outcome of a disciplinary hearing are among documents accidentally leaked to members of the public in the past year, it has emerged.


In Wolverhampton, a list of vulnerable people in placements was left in a lobby and some home address and telephone numbers of workers were accidentally sent to other staff by email among data breaches at the council.

There were 17 data breaches in Walsall, including the outcome of a disciplinary hearing, court papers and a GP letter containing medical details that were sent to the wrong addresses.

Someone's bank statement was also left on a photocopier. In Dudley, papers from a social care file were left in a family's home from an agency social worker by mistake.

Sandwell Council also confirmed its staff had lost sensitive personal data.

The breaches have been revealed under the Freedom of Information Act.

Walsall Councillor Chris Towe, said: "We're addressing the issue."

Wolverhampton Councillor Paul Sweet added: "Wolverhampton City Council takes its responsibilities and obligations to protect information it holds extremely seriously."

The Information Commissioner's Office can fine authorities £500,000 for each serious breach but none have faced fines. Authorities including Staffordshire County, South Staffordshire, Wyre Forest, Cannock Chase and Lichfield all recorded no breaches in the past financial year.