Express & Star

Former Mayor of Dudley facing disciplinary over porn

A former Mayor of Dudley who admitted downloading pornography onto his council computer could be brought before the authority's standards committee over his conduct, it emerged today.


Long-standing Councillor Ray Burston is being investigated over his actions by officials from Dudley Council. He resigned his role last month as Conservative group spokesman for the environment after images downloaded from adult sites were found when repair work was carried out on his computer.

Dudley Council's chief executive John Polychronakis today confirmed an investigation was under way which will report back in the next few weeks.

A decision on whether to refer the matter to Dudley Council's audit and standards sub committee in the autumn will follow shortly.

Mr Burston, who has sat on the council for 21 years during two stints, is continuing to serve as a councillor.

He says he will donate his council members' allowances to the Mayor of Dudley's charities.

Dudley Council has adopted a Members' Code of Conduct and has to detail with any complaints over conducts under legislation in the Localism Act 2011.

If the sub committee decides that the councillor has failed to follow the code, committee members will make recommendations on his future.

Mr Polychronakis said: "We are currently investigating the information given to us by Councillor Burston.

"Consideration will then be given as to whether the matter should be referred to the Audit and Standards sub committee in the Autumn to determine what, if any, further action should be taken."

In his statement read to the council chamber, Councillor Burston, who represents Hayley Green and Cradley South, said he 'breached the trust' placed in him by the electorate.

He also apologised to his family and friends, to the party and fellow council colleagues.

The images were found on his laptop which should have been used only in relation to his council work.

Conservative group leader Councillor Patrick Harley said Councillor Burston, who first served on Dudley Council from 1988 to 1996 and was re-elected in 2000, had his full support.

Councillor Ray Burston was unavailable for comment.

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