Express & Star

Ex-Mayor of Dudley resigns after porn found on council computer

A former Mayor of Dudley has quit his leading role with the borough's Conservative group after revealing he used his council computer to download pornography.


Long-standing councillor Ray Burston resigned as Tory spokesman for the environment in a speech to members last night.

He apologised to colleagues, friends and family after images downloaded from adult sites were found when repair work was carried out on his computer, which was provided for council work only.

Mr Burston, who has sat on the council for 21 years during two stints, will continue to serve as a councillor. He says he will donate his council members allowances to the Mayor of Dudley's charities.

In his statement read to the council chamber, Councillor Burston, who represents Hayley Green and Cradley South, said: "Whilst the images that have been downloaded are not of an illegal nature, such access, even so, constitutes a clear breach of the council's protocols governing the use of its IT equipment.

"Furthermore – and for me a matter of no lesser import – this access represents a breach of personal, political and religious beliefs that I hold dear and by which I have endeavoured to live my life.

"As such, it is for me a matter of personal honour that I have also breached a trust that has been placed in me by the people of Hayley Green and Cradley South ward, who it is my privilege to represent. Therefore, I can only profoundly apologise to both them and to my council colleagues for my acts and omissions in the matter."

Dudley Council leader Councillor David Sparks said no further action could be taken against Councillor Burston, as his actions had not broken the law. But he said members who had council laptops should only use them for council business.

Conservative group leader Councillor Patrick Harley said Councillor Burston, who first served on Dudley Council from 1988 to 1996 and was re-elected in 2000, had his full support.

"Ray has voluntarily, with no pressure from myself or my deputy or his association, stepped down from the shadow cabinet. He was offered our full support and could have continued in that role.

"He feels it's the right decision and I have to respect and support him for the manner in which he has dealt with it," he said.

Councillor Harley added he did not feel the matter should be dealt with by the council's standards committee as any punishments would be 'inferior' to Councillor Burston's self-imposed resignation from a leading role.

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