Express & Star

Forum cash is used to help police buy laptop

Police have resorted to going cap in hand to a Stourbridge community forum for £378 to buy a new laptop, it has been revealed.


The application, one of five received by the forum which covers Pedmore and Stourbridge East, Norton, Wollaston and Stourbridge Town Centre wards, was met with sympathy by councillors, along with speculation that police budget cuts are starting to bite.

Members backed the request, but Councillor Barbara Sykes said: "I just find it atrocious and deplorable that the cuts are so bad that this is necessary. I'll vote for it but I think it's tragic they have to come to us."

Earlier this month West Midlands Police revealed hundreds more police officers and support staff would lose their jobs over the next six years – on top of the loss of 2,200 officers and staff from its 13,500 workforce already.

The force is already having to save £126 million by 2015 due to a squeeze in government funding. Community groups and organisations can apply for up to £5,000 in funding for items such as new equipment.

The request for the laptop – at £378.99 including VAT – was made by Sgt Ade George, Neighbourhood Policing Co-ordinator in Stourbridge. The laptop will be used by crime prevention officers to encourage members of the public to register their valuable items on the Immobilise programme, which helps reunite people with lost or stolen possessions.

The officers have struck a deal with some local companies allowing them to use free wifi for the project. Sgt George said the computer would be used at officers' pop-up cop shop every Saturday in the Ryemarket.

He added: "When there, we encourage people to use Immobilise – a national online property register. Officers routinely check this database when property is recovered so that it can be returned to its rightful owner.

"The panel funded a laptop computer which is solely for use by local officers to help protect local people's property.

"We thank the panel for backing our work to make Stourbridge a safer place."

When asked why the police budget could not cover such a purchase, a force spokesman refused to comment.

Other applications supported were from the 8th Stourbridge Guide Company in Norton for £500 for new shelving to store camping equipment and Stourbridge Street Pastors who requested £4,290 towards the salary of a co-ordinator of its volunteers.

An application from Clent Cricket Club for £468 for a rain cover was from outside the area covered by the community forum and was refused. A late request from St John's United Reformed Church in Stourbridge for £5,000 to fund a range of refurbishment projects was supported subject to more information being provided.