First micro pub set to open in Wolverhampton despite concerns
The first micro pub in the West Midlands will open its doors in Wolverhampton after council chiefs gave the go-ahead for the project – despite concern from nearby residents.

There will be space for 30 drinkers in the new venue which will be opening in an old furniture shop in Pendeford Avenue in Aldersley. It will serve up local real ales as well as cider and wine.
Although there are none in the West Midlands there are currently 18 micro pubs across the country.
The former Anything Goes furniture shop, which closed in November, has been taken over by Morton Brewery which is based in Coven.
The transformation of the site has been given the go-ahead by council planners even though residents were split over whether the scheme should be approved.
A petition of 134 signatures along with 61 representations was submitted supporting the application while another, containing 51 names, was against it.
Fears were raised over an increase in noise and traffic. Vicky Moulding, of nearby Blackburn Avenue, told a council planning meeting that the pub would cause 'traffic chaos' as it would attract real ale fans from across the region.
She added: "It will change the character of the area."
Councillor Jonathan Yardley, who represents Tettenhall Regis, said he was concerned drinkers would congregate on the street outside as there would be no beer garden.
However Gary Morton, who runs Morton Brewery with his wife Angela, said the pub would attract mainly middle-aged and elderly customers. And he assured the committee that there would be no out-of-hours deliveries and noise would be kept to a minimum as there would be no music or televisions on site.
He added: "With more than 1,000 micro breweries across the country, getting products to market is becoming more of a challenge and this is an excellent way to do it."
The pub is designed to be a throwback to the pre-gastro pub days and will create a family-friendly atmosphere, according to Mr Morton.
Councillor John Rowley said it was 'refreshing' to see an application to open a pub rather than turn one into homes.
He added: "Wolverhampton doesn't have that many pub aimed at an older generation.
But Councillor Yardley said: "People from as far afield as Stoke signed a petition in support of the plans and there are already problems with parking. I think it is just in the wrong place."
Featured local business - Tettenhall College near Wolverhampton