Maureen Nolan: Each get-together with Bernie could be our last
She's just undertaken another week of the emotional rollercoaster of the musical Blood Brothers, but Maureen Nolan knows only too well that the latest chapter in her own family drama is about to reach its inevitably tragic end.

Younger sister Bernie Nolan, aged 51, is already on borrowed time after the return of breast cancer, which has now spread to other parts of her body, including her lungs.
She was given two weeks to live after doctors delivered the bombshell news that they could do no more for her – but that was 10 weeks ago.
"I know each time I see her it could be the last. But we never say farewell – never say never," said Maureen, who has taken the leading role of Mrs Johnstone in the Willy Russell musical
Blood Brothers at Wolverhampton's Grand Theatre, which ends tonight. "As far as she's concerned, every day holds the possibility of a miracle – and who can say?"
The sisters have been touched by cancer before – Linda also fought and won her own battle against the disease.
Raven-haired Maureen, still in stunningly great shape at 58, was in the mood for talking in her tiny dressing room at The Grand.
She is a self-confessed 'Blood Brothers stalker', seeing the show no less than 18 times and then playing Mrs Johnstone for eight shows a week in the West End from 2005 to 2007. She has since done four tours with the show. Once again, it's a sister act – three more of the Nolan girls have played the part of Mrs Johnstone, starting with Bernie and followed by Linda, Denise and then Maureen. "First time I saw it was when Bernie was in the role – and I saw her do it six times," said Maureen.
"Linda always says 'you've seen the rest, now see the best' – but I think we have all brought our own truth to the part.
"I think what I bring is the maternal side, because I am the only mother of a son. Bernie has a daughter, Erin, who's just gone 14, but Denise and Linda have no children."
The singing Nolan sisters – best known for their 1979 hit 'I'm in the Mood for Dancing' – in October cancelled their farewell tour, which included a date in Birmingham on March 12, after Bernie's cancer returned just two years after she got the all-clear.
In February, Bernie moved into a hospice – and, while she was there, her home in Surrey was raided by burglars, who stole a TV, jewellery and her convertible Saab car.
"In the tapestry of life, a burglary is the least of her worries," said Maureen, with a shrug.
Bernie has now moved back to her Weybridge home. Maureen revealed that she and sisters Denise and Anne, were looking forward to a gathering this weekend. "When we get together we still wheel her out to the pub as much as we can."