Express & Star

Walsall digital ad screen on M6 is the largest in Europe

Motorway drivers in the West Midlands won't miss this huge new sign – which has become the largest digital screen in Europe.


The structure, which looms over the M6 outside Walsall FC's Banks's Stadium, first went up three years ago and featured colossal billboard advertisements.

Now, 5,037 sq ft of LED panels have now been added to it, making it one of the biggest screens in the world and the largest in Europe. With two huge panels at a length of 213ft, it is almost as long as a Boeing 747.

It is targeting drivers and their passengers near junction nine at Wednesbury, which is in the middle of an extremely busy stretch of motorway, seeing 3.44 million motorists every fortnight.

But it will also concern road safety campaigners, who have criticised the amount of advertising alongside the motorway, saying it is distracting to drivers and could cause accidents.

The first advert is for Virgin Trains, and future campaigns will feature Adoption in the Black Country, Ironbridge Gorge Museum and Cure Leukaemia.

One Outdoor Media, a subsidiary of digital signage manufacturer Elonex, has developed the screen, and bosses said they were targeting outdoor sites all over the country.

The Highways Agency objected to the sign when it was first mooted by Walsall FC bosses. The club won permission to put up the billboard in Bescot Crescent after insisting that it would protect the jobs of about 300 people who work for the club.

The aim was to get other advertisers and bring in cash from as many sources as possible, including off-field activities such as a Sunday market.

The League One outfit has signed a partnership deal with Birmingham-based technology company Elonex with an investment of £2 million into the project.

Walsall Council leader Councillor Mike Bird said: "The issues about highways safety are grossly exaggerated.

"This sign is far more visible than the smaller signs motorists have to read when travelling down that stretch of motorway.

"It shows a brave investment, as this is a lot of money. It shows a great commitment and also shows the opportunity that exists.

"People have to take on board the club is, without doubt, an integral part of Walsall's community."

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