Express & Star

Sedgley alleyway murder jury told of 'brutal attack'

[gallery] A reveller had his clothes and underwear removed and was urinated on during a "brutal and cowardly attack" in a Sedgley alleyway after a night out, a murder jury heard.


Shane Watson was battered to death by his two attackers before they went on to "boast" about it at a house party, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

The pair then took photographs of themselves urinating on Mr Watson as part of the assault, which took place after the victim had become separated from his girlfriend Kelly Handley during a night out in Sedgley.

It was alleged that when she tried to contact her partner on the phone, one of the attackers answered and "callously" said: "Your boyfriend has been dealt with."

Miss Handley today cried as she told a jury how she and Shane's mother discovered him lying battered in the alleyway. She said she could not recognise him apart from his clothing.

During the opening of his murder trial, Wolverhampton Crown Court heard that Wishart denied taking part in the attack on the 23-year-old victim.

Prosecutor Mr Peter Grieves-Smith told jurors that 18-year-old James Cartwright had earlier admitted killing Mr Watson.

He said: "The prosecution say this defendant and James Cartwright attacked Shane Watson and killed him. Quite what had been the problem for them to attack Shane Watson is unclear.

The prosecution say it was brutal and cowardly, accompanied by an attempt to humiliate him."

Jurors were told that Mr Watson had been in Monty's Bar in High Street, Sedgley, in the hours before he was attacked.

Mr Grieves-Smith said Mr Watson and his partner, Kelly Handley, were walking to a friend's house after leaving the bar just after 2am on July 28. The couple had bec-ome separated and

Mr Watson called his girlfriend, the court heard. Jurors were told that Miss Handley, who was unfamiliar with Sedgley, sought assistance from a man in a passing car, who told her to tell Mr Watson she was near the Quadrant.

Mr Grieves-Smith said: "It must have been about this time that Shane Watson was attacked because when he did not arrive, she phoned him up. On this occasion, it was the voice of a male that she did not recognise that answered.

"He told her 'your boyfriend is at the back of Monty's car park and has been dealt with'. She could hear laughing and with the assistance of the man in the car, she went looking for Shane Watson." The court was told Miss Handley arrived at the car park but could not find her partner.

When she called Mr Watson again, she was told by the person on the end of the phone that Mr Watson was at the bottom of Beacon alleyway and that her boyfriend "had been dealt with", said the prosecutor.

Jurors heard that by chance, Miss Handley found the home of Mr Watson's mother, Jane. She too called her son's mobile, and was told by the male voice who answered: "Your man's dead at the bottom of the alley."

Mr Grieves-Smith said Mr Watson's mother could hear two voices, one on the phone and the other laughing. The court heard Ms Watson and Miss Handley went to the alleyway, off Springfield Grove, and discovered Mr Watson lying on his back with his face swollen and bloodied.

Miss Handley today cried after she was asked if she could see if Mr Watson was badly injured. She said: "I did not recognise him apart from his clothing."

Mr Grieves-Smith told the court: "Miss Handley tried to give him some dignity by pulling up his trousers and boxer shorts, and tried to resuscitate him." Paramedics arrived shortly before 3.30am and Mr Watson was taken to Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley, but was pronounced dead at around 4.15am, dying from head and facial injuries.

Mr Grieves-Smith claimed that 19-year-old Wishart, of North Springfield, and 18-year-old Cartwright, of Sandyfields Road, were responsible for the attack. They too had earlier been in Monty's Bar, the court was told.

The prosecutor said a witness had identified Cartwright and Wishart in the alleyway, with Mr Watson on the floor "badly injured". Wishart denies murder.

The trial continues.