Willenhall lock building flattened as homes scheme draws closer
An historic former lock building in Willenhall has been pulled down, bringing a £5.2 million housing development scheme a step closer.
Almost 50 new homes will be built at the former Josiah Parkes factory site in Wood Street.
The locally-listed former Union Locks building has now been flattened to bring the scheme forward.
The developer had to apply for special permission for the demolition because of the building's heritage status.
It has been reduced to rubble and the site is being cleared ready for work to start on the seven-figure housing scheme.
There will be 35 houses with up to four bedrooms and 12 two-bedroom apartments built on the site in the coming months.
They will be developed by Accord Group and Westbury Partnerships, along with Walsall Council. It will provide homes for people on rental housing waiting lists and work is expected to be completed by late autumn.
Willenhall South Councillor Sean Coughlan has welcomed the work to regenerate the site. He said: "I'm pleased the development is going forward.
Les Burrows, of Willenhall History Society, added: "You hate to see these things go but it had to be done."