Express & Star

Dudley taxi drivers issuing strike action threat

Dozens of private hire taxi drivers are threatening industrial action including strikes and slow driving after councillors refused a change in policy over car colours.


Taxi drivers in Dudley say they are disappointed by the decision to throw out their calls for the single white colour scheme for private hire cars to be abolished.

They claim the policy is squeezing their incomes as white cars have become more expensive due to the popularity of the colour with celebrities. Members of Dudley Private Hire and Taxi Association are holding a meeting tonight where a vote will be taken deciding whether they want to pursue action.

The association is already taking legal advice to see if they can mount a challenge.

Group chairman Shaz Saleem said: "There are the majority of our members who have been asking for a strike but at the moment we are keeping our options open. We are now taking legal advice and we are going to hold a meeting when members can discuss the way forward. I'm not a fan of strikes and protests like slow driving but we'll have a vote at the meeting and go from there.

"But we can't rule anything out. If that is what our members want then so be it.

More than 1,000 drivers and customers had signed a petition calling for the rules to be changed. But councillors on Dudley Council's taxis committee voted by a narrow margin of five to four to reject the proposal amid safety fears.

Mr Saleem, who is managing director at Sedgley-based Beacon Taxis and Express Taxis, in Halesowen, added white cars can cost up to £2,000 extra, forcing some drivers to pay for re-sprays on other cars to comply.

A report compiled for Dudley Council's taxis committee by the authority's director of corporate resources, Philip Tart, said: "Over the years there have been several serious incidents involving passengers being sexually assaulted, injured and other criminal offences where the Police have been able to identify the vehicle as a Dudley licensed vehicle by the colour."