Wolverhampton theatre boss is confident despite cuts
Increasing ticket sales and securing more sponsorship from businesses will help Wolverhampton's Grand Theatre cope with a £50,000 cut in funding, says it's chief executive.

The theatre has seen its grant from Wolverhampton City Council fall by 40 per cent over five years including the loss of £50,000 from its £453,000 a year funding from April 1.
But its chief executive Peter Cutchie said staff were being "resourceful" and praised loyal audiences for keeping the Lichfield Street venue running successfully.
The council is also planning to cut another £50,000 from 2016 with the authority instead planning to give the theatre a one-off lump sum, the amount of which is still to be decided, that will help it expand its facilities and attract big shows. It raked in £1 million from panto Jack and the Beanstalk.
Mr Cutchie said: "Over the past five years, the Grand Theatre has coped admirably with what has been in real terms a 40 per cent reduction in grant from Wolverhampton City Council.
"We understand, however reluctantly, in a time of recession and economic austerity it is necessary for the local authority to take unpalatable action and make savings."