Express & Star

110 near misses are logged near Pattingham school

Pupils are being put at risk by cars and buses clogging the road near a zebra crossing outside a South Staffordshire school - with scores of near misses.


A lollipop warden says he has seen at least 110 incidents over the last six years where more than 130 youngsters were almost hit.

And he says someone could be seriously hurt if action is not taken near St Chad's First School and Nursery in Pattingham.

John Tomlinson, aged 64, says the road becomes busy at peak times with buses.

The problem is made worse by drivers parking on a bend in the road outside the school, which forces motorists to drive on the "wrong" side of the carriageway into oncoming traffic.

Highways officers have visited the site at peak times and say they will look at introducing restrictions.

Mr Tomlinson said: "I have been counting the incidents where a car has failed to see children crossing the road and has nearly hit them.

"I'm worried that it's only a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt. Some of the drivers are in a rush at that time in the morning, as they are obviously running late, and they charge through at up to 60mph.

"We have asked for a speed camera to to be set up here to prove how bad it is but nothing has been done."

Staffordshire county councillor Robbie Marshall said: "We will be presenting the issue to the next available South Staffs Parking Committee who will consider the option of further restrictions."

Head Sarah Yeomans said: "We would like some traffic calming measures to be taken as people do come tearing along."