Express & Star

Ex-student Daniel Jones starts 10 years in jail after admitting killing girlfriend

The family of a student killed by her boyfriend after a row have been left "devastated" by her death.


Ex-Wolverhampton University student Daniel Jones today started a 10 year jail sentence after admitting the manslaughter of 22-year-old Da In Lee.

At Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday, Judge John Wait said Jones carried out an "act of violence" and represented a "substantial risk".

Alongside the jail term, he ordered Jones, 27, of Grace Road, Tipton, to remain under supervision for a further five years after imprisonment.

A jury previously found Jones not guilty of murdering Miss Lee but accepted his manslaughter admission.

Mr Gordon Aspdon, prosecuting, said: "This has had a devastating effect on Da In Lee's family.

"Her mother and father travelled from Korea to identify her body."

Miss Lee's sister planned to study in England but now would not.

The death followed a row over her hair blocking the bath plug hole at the Tipton flat on April 8, last year.

It ended in the "physically powerful" Jones straddling her on the floor while applying pressure to her windpipe with one hand and covering her mouth with the other for between 15 and 30 seconds so she did not scream.

Jones made no attempt to help her after she stopped breathing and in the hours after her death tried to book airline tickets to New York.

He eventually confessed to what he had done to former partner Stacey Miller after visiting her in Bristol.

Jones assaulted Miss Lee weeks earlier which had left her frightened and seeking to end their relationship.

Judge John Wait said: "This was an act of violence toward her of extreme risk. You knew you were restricting her breathing.

"I accept you did not intend to cause her death or any permanent injury but this was an intentional assault to demonstrate your control over her.

"I also reject the idea you did not see the effect of what you were doing."