Express & Star

Bilston killer Vincent Tony Ashman will be deported after prison

A killer who was jailed for at least 30 years for shooting dead a father of three in a Bilston nightclub will be deported after he has served his sentence, it emerged today.


Vincent Tony Ashman will be almost 70 when he is released from prison for shooting Danny "Dannyman" McCalla six times at the town's Tropical Harmony club. The UK Border Agency said today that any foreign national jailed for more than 12 months was "automatically considered" for deportation.

Spokesman Toby Allanson added: "Every case is different, but, having been sentenced to 30 years, we'll be working on the basis that we are going to deport him once his sentence has been served."

It emerged during the murder trial that 50-year-old Mr McCalla, a mechanic, had battered Ashman with a baton just seconds before he was shot on the dancefloor.

There was bad feeling between the pair because the victim believed Ashman had burgled his home six months previously.

Two days after the killing, Ashman left the UK after using his own details to book a flight to Jamaica despite the fact that he was the prime suspect in the murder and that detectives had circulated his details nationally.

He had told his girlfriend and wife that he had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The 38-year-old defendant, known as Chopper, only returned to the UK last July when he was extradited to face the murder charge.

CCTV images footage played during the trial had shown Ashman carrying the murder weapon at the nightclub. He had claimed it was an extendable mobile phone.

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