Express & Star

Black Country theatre members strike familiar poses for calendar

Members of a Black Country theatre group have created a cheeky spoof calendar sending up some classic moments in the cinema and popular culture.


The first ever "Froggatts & Cotterills" calendar, produced for 2013, features leading lights from the popular Fizzog Theatre Production Company.

For some they are fully clothed and in others members of the theatre group strip off down to their flat caps.

"Our show is a bit cheeky – and we aimed for a Black Country parody of some well-known photos from film and pop," said Jacky Fellows, co-director of the Fizzog Theatre Production Company.

In the "Calendar Girls" style cover shot, the Fizzogs pose naked around a piano, but with some strategic cover.

"We weren't embarrassed about taking our clothes off for some of the photos – but it was freezing cold," joked Jacky.

Photographs for the calendar were taken on location at Dudley's Black Country Living Museum by David Hubbal and edited by Terry Hawkins.

Among the shots is a fully clothed picture of members of the group walking over a zebra crossing in Victorian garb, captioned "the Fab Fower" in a witty nod to the iconic Beatles shot.

Jacky, aged 50, from Wombourne, imitates Jack Nicholson in The Shining with October's offering, captioned "Here's Millie".

Deb Nicholls, aged 40, from Stourbridge, strikes a Marilyn Monroe pose for May, recreating the iconic picture of a white skirt billowing over a drain cover – except in her case, she is on a street at the Black Country Living Museum.

And James Collins, from Wolverhampton, stripped to the waist, gazes soulfully at a loaf of bread for the March shot.

Jacky, Deb and Sue Hawkins, aged 40, from Wordsley, set up Fizzogs about 12 years ago after studying together for their HND in community theatre at Dudley College. Their numbers are boosted by friends and fellow performers, including Dave Morris, aged 72, from Stourbridge, a writer and historian, who was their college lecturer.

Some of the shots in the calendar are raunchier, such as the "Keepin' it clean" picture for July, showing Mr Morris in a bath tub with nothing more than a packet of soap powder preserving his modesty.

The calendar is proving popular and is selling well. The 100 originally produced have been boosted by another print run of 60 and more could be printed if needed.

Copies are available, priced £4.99, from the Black Country Living Museum, at or telephoning 07757 424618.

See also:

  • Fizzogs and Doreen team up for panto season

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