Express & Star

Lifesaver mechanic to get bravery award

A mechanic living in the Black Country was hailed a hero today as it was revealed he is to receive a top bravery award from the Royal Humane Society after saving a drowning woman.


Michael Edwards plunged fully clothed 30 feet into the icy water of a Welsh harbour before battling for almost half an hour in the dark to keep her – and himself – alive.

The pair were finally rescued in the nick of time by a policeman who paddled to the rescue in a partially deflated dinghy which was then hauled to land by a lifeboat.

Both Mr Edwards, who lives at Brierley Lane, Bilston, and the woman needed hospital treatment for hypothermia and water inhalation but have made good recoveries from the ordeal that began when she fell from a bridge at the marina in Portmadog, Gwynedd. The courageous 25-year-old was walking nearby and found her face down and unconscious in deep water after jumping in to help.

He then battled to revive her with the kiss of life while struggling to keep himself afloat as a strong current swept them around 50 yards from land and almost 150 yards out to sea.

Exhausted Mr Edwards was fighting tiredness and numbing cold when he finally managed to lock his legs round the anchor chain of a moored boat to which he clung with the woman until Pc Rhys Williams came to the rescue.

Both men have now been awarded the Royal Humane Society Testimonial on Vellum personally signed by its President Princess Alexandra.

Its Secretary Dick Wilkinson said: "Mr Edwards risked his life in this selfless rescue, and without him, this woman would surely have drowned. In turn, were it not for PC Williams' devotion to duty, two lives may well have been lost. Both men richly deserve their awards."

Mr Edwards relived the March 17 incident today and said: "It was a spur of the moment decision and I didn't think twice. I am a reasonable swimmer – I have got my Puffin badges –- but I had not had a swim in a long time.

"After a bit of common sense kicked in I wondered what I had got myself in for but I would do the same again." The presentation is expected to be made early in the new year.

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