Express & Star

£1.4m private cemetery at Walsall Burial Park being officially opened

A new £1.4 million private cemetery on the Staffordshire and Walsall border was officially opening today.


Thousands of plots have already been snapped up at Walsall Burial Park.

It has been created in response to growing pressure for burial sites across the region on land off the A5195 Burntwood Bypass in Burntwood but will serve Walsall, Cannock and Lichfield.

The eight-acre site has been created by Springhill Cemetery Group and includes more than 1,000 cremated remain plots and around 5,000 mixed-use full burial plots.

Phase one of the scheme boasts more than 2,000 plots. Under the second phase, a further 3,000 plots in an additional six acres will be released as demand increases.

Kamran Saleem, manager, said: "This site has been in planning since 2010 and looks set to be in service for the next 20 years as demand for burial space increases.

"We work tirelessly to comply with council regulations to achieve planning permission to successfully change the use of disused agricultural land, providing peaceful cemetery sites across the UK."

The site has a designated Muslim section providing single occupancy plots and is available to cope with demand from the local community.

The company is currently looking at opportunities to work closely with the Department for Work and Pensions and the Environment Agency in the near future to provide affordable burial plots for the state.