Express & Star

MP Tom Watson makes paedophile ring link to No 10 claim

A paedophile network may have been linked to Parliament and Number 10, a Black Country MP claimed this afternoon.


Tom Watson made the allegations during Prime Minister's Questions.

The MP said there was evidence concerning a convicted paedophile who was part of a group with "links to a senior aide of a former Prime Minister". The Prime Minister in question was not named.

Mr Watson, Labour MP for West Bromwich East, said: "The evidence file used to convict paedophile Peter Righton, if it still exists, contains clear evidence of a widespread paedophile ring.

"One of its members boasts of his links to a senior aide of a former Prime Minister."

He added: "If the files still exist, I want to ensure that the Metropolitan Police secure the evidence, re-examine it and investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and Number 10."

Righton was fined £900 in 1992 for possessing photographs of young boys.

David Cameron pledged to investigate. He also revealed the country's top prosecutor is to review the decision not to prosecute Jimmy Savile.

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