New scheme to restore landmark beacon site
A fresh bid to restore Sedgley Beacon Tower to its former glory and open it up to visitors has been drawn up.
Volunteers want to raise thousands of pounds to improve the landmark site.
They plan making it easily accessible to the community and showcasing its heritage. An ambitious 10-year action plan has now been created and the Friends of Sedgley Beacon group is actively recruiting more volunteers to help make the dream become a reality.
Group treasurer Tony Cowell said their aim was "to ensure Sedgley Beacon remains an inspirational space for people to celebrate and enjoy heritage, landscape and the natural environment".
Members want to restore the Grade II listed tower, which provides panoramic views across the Black Country and Staffordshire and install welcome signs with information about the site's past.
The work would include repairs to the steps in the tower which are in a poor condition and the main reason it remains off limits to visitors. Missing and damaged stone would need to be replaced.
There also plans to improve the footpaths around the site and create a visitor 'entrance feature' to the tower.
Mr Cowell said original estimates for the work were around £170,000. "We would carry out the work in stages and we are hopeful that we could apply for Heritage Lottery funding," said.
For more information about the group contact secretary Caroline Phillips on 01384 817490.