Express & Star

2,000 object to plan for retirement village

More than 2,000 people have signed a petition against plans to build a retirement village on a former Cradley school site amid fears parkland will be lost.


Developer Midland Heart is forging ahead with plans for the firm's third extra care housing scheme to be built in Dudley borough. It wants to build the scheme on the demolished Cradley High School site near Homer Hill Park. Bosses say they will lodge plans for the independent living scheme with Dudley Council within the next few weeks.

But residents fear part of the park will need to be developed to create access to the site and accommodate extra cars.

The campaign is being spearheaded by the Cradley Community Champions – volunteers nominated to represent the local area.

Val Bloomer, secretary of the Friends of Homer Hill, said the group was worried that nearby routes would become clogged with traffic and access points would have to be built on green space.

She added: "The number of 200 or so people mentioned as being resident in the complex can be added to greatly by visitors, general staff, round-the-clock carers, and suppliers driving through the park, potentially at any time of the day and night, and on every day of the year.

"There would not be a safe time for park users, and in particular children and dog walkers, to enjoy the amenities of the park for sport, exercise or relaxation. To permit access through a park specifically to service a new development would set a dangerous precedent.

"This is exactly how it is being viewed by over 2,000 people from all walks of life, including church leaders, minority groups, football teams, other friends of Dudley parks groups and community champions, who have signed a petition requesting that the former school site be retained for use as green open space."

Nick Byrne, of Midland Heart said: "We have reassured residents that we are considering a number of options including using the former entrance and exit of Cradley High School."