Express & Star

Kinver villagers in road safety warning

Speed measures installed in a village could be altered a second time after residents complained of continuing traffic chaos.


Villagers in Kinver, near Stourbridge, have battled to get pinch points placed on the carriageway removed – claiming that they leave drivers confused over who has the right of way.

And traders say the High Street becomes heavily congested at delivery times as there is no space for lorries to pull in to drop off goods. The High Street traffic measures were installed in a £900,000 revamp.

But Staffordshire County Council today said it was planning to carry out an independent survey of traffic in the area to look at speed and volume.

Once this has been completed the authority will consider whether further revisions should be made to the scheme.

Villagers have previously won a reduction in the number of pinch points at the Dunsley Road and Stone Lane ends of the High Street.

But they say further action is needed to deal with the continuing problems.

Trader James Hartland, of The Butchery, said: "The right of way is so confusing for drivers. It is only a matter of time before there is a serious collision if action is not taken soon."