Express & Star

Distraction burglars striking at the rate of more than one a week

Distraction burglars are striking more than once a week across the Black Country, police revealed today, as a victim spoke out about being targeted in her home.


It comes as it emerged hi-tech equipment is being used at homes to catch criminals in the act. New figures show that there were 203 offences across the West Midlands between January and the end of last month, with 74 taking place in the Black Country. Elderly are now being given security measures.

These include tiny cameras that take a picture every five seconds, to help tackle offences. The sickening crimes were thrust into limelight earlier this year when 90-year-old Hester Mottershead collapsed and died after thieves got into her Tettenhall home.

Today, attempted distraction burglary victim Maureen Rudge, 70, spoke out about being targeted in a bid to warn people.

A woman asked her to open the door to her Bushbury home during the early hours of of New Year's Eve. But Mrs Rudge refused and only spoke to the woman through a porch window.

"She told me a car had been damaged and she was asking if it was mine," said Mrs Rudge. "I don't have any doubt that if I had open-ed the door, someone would have come from around the corner and pushed passed me to get into the house."

Officers say tactics used by distraction burglars vary and have included bogus police officers, utility company and council officials, workmen, fake charity collectors and people claiming to be in need of help because of a broken down vehicle or lost phone.

Offences across the region are reducing, with 17 in Wolverhampton.