South Staffs chicken farm wins fight for expansion
A chicken farm in South Staffordshire has been given the go-ahead to expand and handle one million birds a year despite objections from residents concerned it will lead to increasing noise and smells.

A chicken farm in South Staffordshire has been given the go-ahead to expand and handle one million birds a year despite objections from residents concerned it will lead to increasing noise and smells.
Two old buildings will be knocked down and replaced by a 'super shed' almost twice the current size at Poplars Farm in Wheaton Aston. The plan has upset people living nearby, who say the farm has already increased in size and they have to put up with a strong odour.
Mrs Prab Bopari, who lives just 80 metres from the premises in Ivetsy Road, told the district Council's Regulatory Committee meeting last night: "When we moved next door 12 years ago there were three small poultry sheds but since then it has massively expanded.
"We have had to put up with obnoxious smells and noise for more than a decade.
"People should not have to endure this. This site cannot be allowed any further increase in size. It has gone from 840sq m to 2,450sq m and is now set to get larger. Enough is enough."
But Mr Simon Osborn, agent for farm owner Mr Mohammed 'Mick' Malik retorted: "The development of this building is an absolute necessity. It is vital for the success of the business that costs be minimised through the benefits of economy of scale.
"This is an established farming business and Mr Malik wants to improve relations with the neighbours. The two buildings in line for demolition are at the end of their life."
The committee voted to give planning permission for the new development.
Chairman Councillor Brian Cox said: "We have to weigh the interests of one million birds a year against the people who live nearby."
He said allowing the development with strict conditions including an odour and noise management plan would "greatly improve" things for the neighbours.