Express & Star

Police chiefs probe claims of corruption

Corruption investigations have been launched against dozens of Staffordshire Police officers following allegations of leaking information, stealing, fraud and substance misuse, it emerged today.


Corruption investigations have been launched against dozens of Staffordshire Police officers following allegations of leaking information, stealing, fraud and substance misuse, it emerged today.

The force's anti-corruption unit launched 116 investigations into officers from April last year until March this year.

Some inquiries covered more than one allegation. Chiefs could not supply information on what disciplinary action was taken. Thirty-five inquiries looked into leaking information.

Although figures represent a minority of the force's 3,300 officers and staff, force bosses stressed they would take firm action in every case as the nature of investigations may damage the public's trust in the force.

Spokeswoman Sarah Davison said: "Corruption within Staffordshire Police is thankfully uncommon.

"Public allegations of police corruption in Staff-ordshire as evidenced by a recent independent IPCC report – were lower than the national average for the relevant period. We are, however, not complacent.

"When corruption does occur, it has a disproportionately damaging and corrosive impact upon indiv- iduals, the force and most importantly on the communities of Staffordshire.

"Such behaviour affects trust and confidence in the force and the criminal justice system as a whole. Staf-fordshire Police remains vigilant." There were 29 cases of discreditable conduct and 20 of 'inappropriate' or criminal associations.

Dishonesty and theft investigations accounted for 15 of the operations. There were 13 allegations of officers who misused force systems and 10 of substance misuse. Investigators also looked into eight cases of financial corruption. There were seven further cases of officers allegedly abusing their authority.