Bodenham Arboretum expansion is unveiled
An arboretum near Kidderminster, which attracts more than 40,000 visitors a year, wants to expand its facilities to cater for the growing number.
An arboretum near Kidderminster, which attracts more than 40,000 visitors a year, wants to expand its facilities to cater for the growing number.
Bodenham Arboretum, in Wolverley, requires a new tearoom.
Plans for a lecture theatre at the 156-acre site have also been unveiled.
A planning application for the development, submitted to Wyre Forest District Council, says the current facilities struggle to cope at peak times due to the large number of visitors.
The site is regularly used by horticultural, photographic, art and school groups as well as ornithological groups who host a number of lectures throughout the year.
The new tearoom will serve as an over-spill seating area for the existing cafe. Planning agent Cliff Didlick states in the application: "Visitor numbers have continued to rise over the years since first opening and it now caters for over 40,000 visitors a year with adult season ticket holders of approximately 1,200 and family season ticket holders in the region of 400."
"The arboretum has become a significant tourist attraction, which is nationally recognised and contributes significantly to the area," he adds.