Express & Star

First look at £2m Fradley crematorium

This is the first view of the new £2 million crematorium being built in Staffordshire to cope with the county's growing population.


This is the first view of the new £2 million crematorium being built in Staffordshire to cope with the county's growing population.

This artist's impression shows how the crematorium at Fradley, near Lichfield, will look. Construction company Stepnell has been awarded the contract by Mercia Crematoria Developments.

The single-storey, 3,013sq ft building on a 10-acre site at Fradley Lane will feature a chapel with seating for 74 people, a waiting area and welfare facilities and office and administration space.

There will also be a 75-space car park and Stepnell will be creating a memorial garden and carry out landscaping work around the site. Building work has just begun on the crematorium which is set to be completed in February 2013.

It will feature the latest mercury abatement technology to ensure the facility meets new EU emission guidelines which are set to come into force. Stepnell's managing director Mark Wakeford said: "We are delighted to be continuing our successful working relationship with Mercia Crematoria to help deliver this important new facility for the Litchfield district."

The project was scaled back after it was first mooted in May last year. The nearest crematorium, in Sutton Coldfield, has been operating above capacity for many months and further pressure is expected to be placed on facilities, according to applicant Mercia Crematoria Developments.

It is expected that cremations at the site will take place between 10am and 5.30am on weekdays and 10am to 2pm on Saturdays. The crematorium will be built on vacant agricultural land creating four jobs – two full-time and two part-time.

By Harry Gottschalk