Express & Star

Extra school places due to rising rolls

Dozens of extra school places are being created in Staffordshire next year to cope with rising birth rates, education bosses revealed today.


Dozens of extra school places are being created in Staffordshire next year to cope with rising birth rates, education bosses revealed today.

At least 25 additional spaces will be on offer to youngsters starting at primary and secondary schools across the county in September 2013 but that number is set to rise.

It comes after education bosses at the county council revealed 185 extra reception places, some temporary and some permanent, were created at certain schools for this coming September.

County Councillor Liz Staples, cabinet member for education, said she was working closely with schools in areas where there could be a shortage of places and more would be added if necessary.

She said: "The county council has always been open and honest about its admissions policy. We're also reacting to rising birth rates in some parts of the county, meaning more pupils will have to be accommodated in Staffordshire schools.

"We try to accommodate parents' wishes as much as possible with both primary and secondary admissions, and this is shown in our admissions statistics for this year, which show 97 per cent of pupils allocated their first choice secondary school, and 91 per cent allocated their first choice primary school.

"This is above the national average, and is also testament to the hard work that goes into allocating school places."

Headteachers and governors have all been consulted on the latest arrangements for 2013-14.

Councillor Staples will outline the new admissions plan at the county council's cabinet meeting on Wednesday. She added: "The provisions we're putting in now for the increased demand in reception places shows we're acting quickly to ensure parents get as much choice as possible."

The county council was recently awarded more than £12.8 million from the Government to cope with rising birth rates.

Sandwell was given £2,286,542 but Wolverhampton, Walsall and Dudley all missed out. A total of 119 extra places will be created in Walsall by 2013-14.