Express & Star

Dimming lights to save £8m

All street lights in Staffordshire will be dimmed overnight under plans to save £8 million, council bosses have agreed.


All street lights in Staffordshire will be dimmed overnight under plans to save £8 million, council bosses have agreed.

Street lights across the county are being adapted as part of the scheme, which will start immediately.

Councillor Mike Maryon, the county council's transport chief, who is in charge of the plans, has promised not to introduce a blanket night-time switch-off, but said cash could be saved over the next 16 years by installing the dimming equipment.

"We will be working with communities as part of the localism agenda and giving them the choice of what happens with street lighting in their area," he said.

All areas face having their street lights dimmed, but some could choose to have them switched off from midnight until 6am when traffic and pedestrian numbers are low. There is an option to brighten up lights if there is a rise in crime or accidents.

Data gathered from across Staffordshire by the county council revealed that traffic on the majority of roads decreases significantly after 6.30pm and any dimming of lights will happen after this time, although the times will have seasonal changes.

Since 2003 a total of 30,000 new street lights have been installed across Staffordshire. A further 27,000 street lights will be replaced before 2028, the majority of which will be upgraded with the new equipment.