Slimmer Barry loses seven stone
Nothing made JCB driver Barry Gatenby happier than an egg, bacon and mushroom sandwich on thick white bread.

Nothing made JCB driver Barry Gatenby happier than an egg, bacon and mushroom sandwich on thick white bread.
But a few too many sandwiches, along with steak suppers, chocolate bars and cans of beer, led to 5'10" Barry weighing in at almost 20 stones.
So, following a health scare at the doctor's that saw his cholesterol level top the charts, the grandfather-of-one embarked on a weight-loss campaign - shifting more than seven stones in just 12 months and winning a host of awards to boot.
"I was just sitting down all day, doing no exercise at all," said the 64-year-old.
"I was also married at the time and was content and too comfortable.
"I was constantly picking at chocolate bars and crisps and would eat huge sandwiches and dinners every day.
"But following my health scare and my divorce, I decided to get fit and dedicated 100 per cent to it."
The father-of-two, who lives at Hinksford Mobile Home Park in South Staffordshire, was referred to Slimming World via his GP and began to attend the 9.30am class at St. Bernadette's R.C. Church Hall every Wednesday.
"I was worried that it would be all women and I would stick out like a sore thumb," Mr Gatenby said.
"But they made me feel really welcome and I really enjoy it. Hopefully, this will make more men take the plunge and join in."
After losing a total of 7st 3lbs in just12 months, Mr Gatenby was awarded Man of the Year for his Wombourne group and got through to the national semi-finals of Slimming World Man of Year 2011.
He has also won Wombourne Slimming World's Greatest Loser 2012 award.
"I feel happier and healthier now at 64 than I did when I was 21," he said.
"I feel fantastic and am still dedicated 100 per cent to my healthier lifestyle.
"If I can do it, anyone can."