Express & Star

Beer can clue helped police find thug

A discarded beer can gave police a vital breakthrough in their hunt for a thug who attacked and robbed a man in Bilston.


A discarded beer can gave police a vital breakthrough in their hunt for a thug who attacked and robbed a man in Bilston.

Victim Jason Anderson, aged 23, was walking home along Parkfield Road late at night when 30-year-old Luke Evans struck.

Evans spotted Mr Anderson had an iPhone and told him: "Give it to me or I will stab you."

Mr David Lees, prosecuting, said: "He thought the robber had a knife and was very scared. He handed over the phone but as he walked away he heard Evans shout: 'Oh, I will stab you anyway.' Evans then chased after him and head-butted him in the face over the left eye."

Mr Anderson later told police he feared he was going to be stabbed, the court was told.

Evans dropped a beer can at the scene and this was found to have his DNA on it, revealed Mr Lees.

When Evans was arrested he said he had been drunk at the time and could not recall exactly what had happened.

Mr Jon Roe, defending, told Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday: "Although he referred to a knife, it was an empty threat because he was not armed.

"He is disgusted with himself because he had kept out of trouble for four years. This was completely unplanned. It happened after a chance meeting when he had drunk an excessive amount of alcohol."

Evans, of Sidwick Crescent, Ettingshall, who had previous convictions but none since 2007, pleaded guilty to the October 15 robbery and was jailed for 15 months by Recorder Richard Atkins, QC.

The Recorder said: "Mr Anderson was out late at night minding his own business when he had the misfortune to cross paths with you.

"He was no doubt terrified when you, for some inexplicable reason, decided to accost him and threatened to stab him. He was not to know that you did not have a knife.

"Then having taken his phone who carried out a gratuitous act of violence and head butted him."

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