Express & Star

Wedding joy for super slimmer Sarah

A mother-of-two who was insulted and called "fatty" on a night out has shed six stone in 12 months in time to celebrate her dream wedding with family and friends.


A mother-of-two who was insulted and called "fatty" on a night out has shed six stone in 12 months in time to celebrate her dream wedding with family and friends.

Sarah Gould, 26, who once weighed 18 stone, hit rock bottom after the harsh words of a stranger in a Stourbridge nightspot.

The rude remark of "Oi fatty, you need to go the the gym" made left her in tears but she decided to use the inconsiderate words to spur her on to give her the incentive to change in time for her wedding in July.

Miss Gould, who was originally from Wordsley but now lives in Kidderminster, dropped from 18 stone in January last year to 11 stone 13lbs.

Her slimming challenge also inspired her to help others and she now holds weekly walking classes to help others lose weight.

"I'm grateful to him in a way but I've done it for myself and I've totally changed my outlook on life," said Miss Gould, of Stonechat Close.

Her new regime started slowly by beginning to replace her favourite foods like crisps with healthier and healthier options. She also started doing 30 minute sessions on the cross-trainer and began to go for walks with friends and family around the area.

Gradually the weight fell off dropped from a size 22 to a size 12 in time for her wedding at Far Forest Church with the reception at Wharton Park Golf Club, near Bewdley

She will marry 29-year-old Paulo, watched on by their children Joseph, four and two-year-old Luca .

Before her weight loss Sarah used to eat two sandwiches, a bag of crisps and three sausage rolls for lunch. But her new regime consists of smaller meals throughout the day.

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