Life is sweet for couple who shed eight stone
They pigged out on takeaways and scoffed their way through big bags of sweets in front of the television.

They pigged out on takeaways and scoffed their way through big bags of sweets in front of the television.
But married Graham and Julie Bilton are now a shadow of their former selves after shedding more than 8st combined.
The couple, from Wolverhampton, put their achievements down to a "cracking team effort." Mrs Bilton, who works as a housekeeper for hotel firm Premier Inn, signed up for slimmimg classes in Penn in May last year and her husband followed a few weeks later.
"It got to the point where I couldn't walk up the stairs without getting out of breath," said Mrs Bilton.
"I used to take the kids to school and see all the slim mums. It was embarrassing going shopping and having to buy large clothes."
Mrs Bilton, aged 40, who weighed 15st 3lb and was a dress size 22 when she started, is now down to 12st 1lb and a size 16. She said the pair, who live in Belvedere Avenue, Penn, used to live off McDonald's meals and oven chips.
"Looking back now, I can't believe what we used to eat. Now we have changed our family's entire lifestyle. I feel so much better and have so much more energy."
For Mr Bilton, his weight ballooned to 17st 5lbs before he started slimming. His waist size was 42ins. Since May last year, he has lost 5st and gone down to 12st 5lbs and now fits into 32ins trousers.
He said the decision to lose weight was down to his health. "For many years I have been diabetic," he said. "It got so bad that I could barely walk. I had to use two walking sticks. I signed Julie up for WeightWatchers classes and when I saw she was doing so well I went along myself."
Mr Bilton, 48, said the couple, who have three children, Samuel, 17, Callum, six and Sarah, five, now eat lots of fresh fish, chicken and vegetables, and have cut out the junk food. "I don't have to take any medication for my diabetes any more," he added.