Extra recycling bins for South Staffordshire homes
An extra wheelie bin is on its way to homes in South Staffordshire under £900,000 plans revealed today – taking the total to three.

An extra wheelie bin is on its way to homes in South Staffordshire under £900,000 plans revealed today – taking the total to three.
The blue box and bag for recyclable rubbish will be replaced by a single blue bin under proposals by the district council to cut the volume of waste sent to landfill.
It will go alongside the existing grey wheelie bin for household waste and green ones for garden rubbish.
Council bosses today admitted the cost was significant, but say they hope the change will boost recycling in the district.
If approved, the new bins would be delivered to homes by April 2013.
The changes come as the council's contract for waste and recycling, held by Biffa Waste, is due for renewal next year.
In its 2012/13 budget the council is suggesting putting aside £900,000 to pay for the new bins.
It will also replace some of the existing 240-litre grey household bins with smaller ones if requested by residents. Extra grey waste bins would also only be given to families with six or more people free of charge.
Smaller families who opt for an extra bin will have to cover the cost of the bin and its delivery.
Across South Staffordshire almost 50 per cent of rubbish is recycled.
Councils are charged a landfill tax for every ton of waste they send to landfill.
In Stafford and Cannock, residents have a green bin for general rubbish, a blue bin for recyclables and a brown bin for garden waste.
On the prospect of a third wheelie bin, Jackie Smith, director of environmental services at South Staffordshire Council, said today: "We think this will help make our service even better. It offers good value which is important for us, and it will also help our residents to recycle even more."
By Shaun Lintern