Staffordshire street lights switch-off plan
Street lights will be dimmed or switched off overnight in Staffordshire under cost-cutting plans revealed today.

Street lights will be dimmed or switched off overnight in Staffordshire under cost-cutting plans revealed today.
Chiefs at Staffordshire County Council have resisted the move until now but want to slash the £9 million annual bill they spend on 107,000 street lights.
Officers are preparing a report for the Tory-led council's cabinet inviting members to "approve a county-wide strategy for the introduction of street light dimming".
A council document also requests "the introduction of part night switch off street lights when requested by local communities".
A report with detailed recommendations is expected in March or April.
Highways chief, county councillor Mike Maryon, pledged to hold discussions with residents before any final decision was made.
He said today: "The county council spends up to £9m a year on street lighting across Staffordshire.
"In the current financial climate we must be prudent and look carefully at how we can be more efficient and save council taxpayers' money without compromising the safety of local people. Nothing has been decided and nothing will be until we have talked with residents."
Wolverhampton City Council turned down lights on the Rakegate estate dimming them to 40 per cent of their full power between midnight and 6am. The pilot was introduced in October.
In Walsall the council turned down the lights on Aldridge Road between the Dilke island and the Peugeot island on the A453 between midnight and 5am, but gave up after a month.
Cannock Chase Council leader, Labour councillor George Adamson, said: "It is going to make properties more vulnerable to burglars and put people's safety at risk."