Express & Star

Dog owners are hit with fines over pets fouling

Scores of dog owners across the region are being fined for allowing their pets to foul in public places – but new figures released show that some authorities are cracking down on the problem harder than others.


Scores of dog owners across the region are being fined for allowing their pets to foul in public places – but new figures released show that some authorities are cracking down on the problem harder than others.

In Dudley, Wolverhampton and Sandwell, more than 150 people have been issued fixed penalty notices in recent months after being caught letting their dogs mess in public.

But neither Walsall or South Staffordshire Council handed out any fines during the course of last year.

Council chiefs in those areas say that, instead of immediately fining a person, they will issue a warning or, if there is a persistent problem in one location, they will put up anti-fouling signs.

Dudley insists the problem needs tough action and have warned that dog owners could end up in court.

There were 50 fines of £50 handed out across the borough in 2010/11 and 31 since April 1 last year.

Sandwell Council issued 111 fixed penalty notices, while Wolverhampton City Council fined 14 people.

Councillor David Stanley, environment boss in Dudley, said today: "Recent court prosecutions and fines should send a clear warning to dog owners that they must clear up after their pets. "We will not tolerate this kind of anti-social behaviour anywhere in the borough and will not hesitate to take a court prosecution where appropriate."

South Staffordshire Council spokesman Jamie Angus said: "We feel education is important and we undertake regular patrols, talking to dog owners and handing out collection bags.

"We have also sent out 5,000 letters across the area urging people not to let their dogs foul the public highway."

Councillor Zahid Ali, Walsall Council's communities boss, said: "When we receive a complaint our animal control officers will visit the area and put up new anti-fouling signs.

"We will also seize stray dogs and step up patrols where appropriate."

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