Crocodile dumped in a box in Wolverhampton
It is the sort of exotic creature you would expect to find in South America's Amazon River – but this crocodile was dumped in a plastic box outside a Midland animal park.
It is the sort of exotic creature you would expect to find in South America's Amazon River – but this crocodile was dumped in a plastic box outside a Midland animal park.
The croc was left outside Wolverhampton's Wickid Pets.
Owner Jim Wick saw the box outside his exotic animal park and pet shop, off Stafford Road, Dunstall, as he arrived yesterday.
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"I saw a big, plastic container. I thought it might have been kittens or turtles because we often have animals left outside.
"I was taken aback when I lifted the lid and looked inside."
Fearless Mr Wick scooped the creature up into his arms and rushed to place it in a reptile vivarium, and staff at the park are now looking after the female caiman croc, feeding her on rats and mice.
They have affectionately named her Snappy the Christmas Crocodile.
Mr Wick has contacted the police to find out whether there have been any reports of missing crocodiles and he will look after her until experts can take her on. She will grow up to 8ft long.
Although there is no indication of where the creature has come from, Mr Wick has his suspicions.
"Some people aren't given the facts when they buy animals like this and they find them too much to cope with. They need specialist care."