94 empty shops in Walsall town centre
A total of 94 shops and businesses are standing empty in Walsall town centre, new figures revealed today.
A total of 94 shops and businesses are standing empty in Walsall town centre, new figures revealed today.
Walsall Council chiefs said tackling empty buildings is a "top priority" as retailers continue to shut up or move out of the town. The figure is higher than at the last count in February when 78 retail and leisure units were unoccupied.
But regeneration chief Councillor Adrian Andrew insisted today's figure is higher because it now includes units that are not in a state to be sold.
The recession and businesses' failure to agree rents with landlords has been blamed for creating empty units.
Calls have now been made for more to be done to attract shoppers and keep businesses in the heart of the town.
Pleck councillor Dennis Anson said: "We have got to find ways to draw people into the town, it is the impression people get that attracts shoppers.
"I am not surprised more shops are closing down, traders are not going to come where there are lots of empty units.
"Hopefully dropping the parking charges will help."
Council chiefs are drawing up an action plan in the new year, which will see residents, business owners, landlords and councillors discuss the issue.
Councillor Adrian Andrew said: "There is currently a total of 94 vacant units out of a total of 595 units in the town centre but this figure also includes those that are not in a state to be let or sold and those that are earmarked for demolition.
"The figure in February only included units that were for sale or rent – hence the increase. Vacant units is a high priority for us and we are doing all we can to ensure the units are filled as soon as possible."
Figures earlier this year showed around one in five shops in the West Midlands is now vacant, with some retail experts warning high streets may never return to their pre-recession days.