Express & Star

Replacing arson-hit school will cost £8.2m

The cost of rebuilding an arson-hit primary school in the Midlands will come to £8.2 million, it was revealed today.


The cost of rebuilding an arson-hit primary school in the Midlands will come to £8.2 million, it was revealed today.

Taxpayers will have to foot the majority of the bill because insurance will only pay out £3.2m towards the rebuild of Bilston's Wilkinson Primary School.

The figures have emerged in finance reports by Wolverhampton City Council which will have to divert money in its annual budget towards rebuilding the school in Walter Road, Bradley.

The building was destroyed by fire after being attacked by arsonists in October 2010.

Since then its 347 pupils have been using 16 mobile buildings after spending the first month at St Martin's Church in Slater Street.

The new school will be open to pupils by September 2013. Youngsters and parents have been helping to raise funds towards the rebuild by holding events including a table top sale.

So far more than £20,000 has been raised in donations. School governor and Bilston councillor Steve Simkins said: "We have been assured that the money will be available to rebuild the school.

"But it is very sad that this money needs to be spent in this way at all when there are so many other causes it could have gone to, all because of the actions of someone very selfish who caused such devastation to this community."

Headteacher Tina Gibbons added: "It is a relief to have some facts and figures and the school is moving in the right direction."

Opposition Conservative Councillor Wendy Thompson added: "This is a headache I'm sure the chief finance officer would rather not have."

Two teenagers were arrested but released without charge. Police have now closed the investigation. The fire happened on the same night as another arson in buildings at Tipton's former Willingsworth High.

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