Express & Star

Teenager with riot loot can keep his ID secret

A teenager has admitted having an Xbox which was stolen during the summer riot in Wolverhampton but has won the right to keep his identity a secret.


A teenager has admitted having an Xbox which was stolen during the summer riot in Wolverhampton but has won the right to keep his identity a secret.

The 16-year-old was caught on CCTV carrying a bag containing the computer console, which was traced back to in Broad Street.

The shop, which sells electrical and computer goods, suffered £50,000 of damage due to vandalism and lost stock during the widespread disorder which took place in the city centre on August 9.

The teenager, from Bilston, was seen by police carrying the console along Cannock Road just a few hours after rioters ran amok.

He pleaded guilty at Wolverhampton Youth Court yesterday to handling stolen goods.

But chairman of the bench Sandy Gough refused an application by the Express & Star to lift the automatic restrictions that prevent under-18s being named in the media.

The Crown Prosecution Service, Home Secretary Theresa May and Prime Minister David Cameron have all urged the courts to identify juveniles convicted of riot-related offences.

But Ms Gough said: "We have read the sentencing guidelines and reminded ourselves that restrictions should only be lifted in the the public interest.

"We have decided this offence is not directly involved in the rioting and it did not involve violence."

The teenager was aged 15 at the time and had no previous convictions.

Mrs Jo Taylor, prosecuting, said: "Entry was forced to Sunitek and a number of persons entered, with damage caused in excess of £50,000. But this defendant is not linked to that directly."

Sentencing was adjourned until December 12.

* Boys, aged 13, 16 and 17, appeared at the court yesterday charged with taking part in the riots.

The older boys both face burglary charges and the youngest handling stolen goods. The cases were adjourned until Monday.

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