Pub landlord barred from solar switch
A landlord is in a dark mood after hearing a Black Country council is likely to reject plans for his pub and brewery to "go green" and switch to solar power.
A landlord is in a dark mood after hearing a Black Country council is likely to reject plans for his pub and brewery to "go green" and switch to solar power.
An e-mail from Dudley Council to his architects says planners would probably not allow solar panels on the roof of the Duke William in Coventry Street, Stourbridge, because it is in a conservation area.
But Dave Craddock, aged 29, who recently launched a micro brewery at the pub, said: "The only nice building in the street is the Duke William – and people would have great difficulty craning their necks to even see the solar panels on the roof.
"I want to reduce our carbon footprint and go greener – for example, we're cooking up 1,000 litres of water twice a week to make beer and that takes a lot of power."
Mr Craddock is now launching a campaign, asking other businesses and people to support his bid to be allowed solar panels at the Duke, before applying for planning permission.
His architect had approached the council for a view on whether the panels might be allowed because the pub is in the Stourbridge High Street conservation order.